Monday, June 29, 2015

Marshal Duties: Another Great Day Tour - LiSa In Manila

image from a FB event

Last May a friend opened a chance for us to be Marshals for the Animax Carnival event. It was the same time that she opened the chance to help with the security for the LiSa’s Another Great Day Tour that at that time to be held in the Samsung Hall at SM Aura on June 27. This was something big, it felt like this concert will be a test if we can handle such and if we are successful more events like this might happen.

The call time was 8am, the concert was at 6pm. It was a long wait but it was worth it, it was fun making sure that we have everything ready and secured. By 10am, people were already outside the Samsung Hall in Sm Aura, not sure if that was announce the we will be giving 300 (200 for the premium ticket holders and 100 for the balcony ticket holders) queue number so that they do not have to stay in the hall and secure their place until 6pm. We cleared the lines before 11 or so, don’t really have the time to check time XD

I was asked to secure the food for everyone. It was fun at the same time a bit stressing as I do not want anyone missing their food but I can’t be at the table where it was set so from time to time I would ran to the table and check how many is still there if there was a pair eating, I asked them not to leave the food alone. I think I did a good job for lunch, for dinner though I was not the one that received the food. I was at door 2, welcoming people to the balcony. We were taking turns in eating dinner as it was showtime. I was almost done with my food, when music started playing… I finished it asap and ran to the post I was assigned to as we need to make sure that nobody will be taking photos, recording videos or even recording the audio.

To be honest I do not know who LiSa is (sign that I’m old), so I was surprise with the number of people that came to see her. The VIP or Premium section was almost full I think there were just a few sit not taken. So I was dead on my feet when I felt the floor bouncing. Yes it was it felt like there was an earthquake whenever the crowd would dance or cheer for LiSa. Haha at one point we were told to asked the audience not to jump to much XD

All in all it was definitely Another Great Day! The crowd is pretty much behave and cooperative. I do hope that this event as passed us so that LiSa can comeback with a full band ^_^

Photos here Yes it is just photos of our team and the crowd before the concert

the winner for the Early Bird Raffle

look at that crowd

down time break 
down time break 2

Some guys playing games while waiting for the doors to open 

view from door 2

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Food Tripping: Keb's Flame Grilled Burger

I see to be finding more burger joints nowadays XD

I present to you Keb's Flame Grilled Burger, located in Number 5 Brgy. San Agustin 3, Dasmariñas, Cavite. It is a small shop that can seat 4-6 people inside and if the establishment beside them is close additional tables will be set up outside. It is small shop and I think it is just right, as it is located near residential areas, you do not need to stay there to enjoy your burgers.

Lets's move on to the burger, the owner of Keb's, I guess is a motorcycle/car enthusiast, check out the menu. The burgers are named after vehicle manufacturing companies

The Menu
I was able to try two of their burgers on different occasions. First up is the Mazda, a double patty burger with ham, egg, cheese, lettuce and tomato. For take out they have secured the burger with a barbecue stick so that it will not lose its form when you open it at home

Mazda Burger (Php 129)

Next is the burger called Mitsubishi, it has cheese, onions and ham
Mitsubishi Burger (Php 89)

The patty is always juicy and tasty. I would want to know how they seasoned it XD
I like this place a lot, I recommend this for people that loves burgers. This is a healthier option as the grilled the patties. The price as you can see in the menu is pretty affordable, you can even advance call your order XD

If you are within the area do give them a visit and share what you think about the burgers.
If you have been there, let me know what you think! ^_^

Ps... I think they can match up to Burger King

Facebook Page: Keb's Flame Grilled Burger

Monday, June 22, 2015

Summer Out During June: Aquaria Calatagan, Batangas

I know summer is technically over in terms of the season, but hey I can I will always be ready to swim. So after years of not being able to go on a summer outing. I present to you a review of Aquaria.
Located in Aquaria Beach Resort in Calatagan, Batangas, check the bird’s eye view below:

Aquaria View
Bird's Eye View Of Aquaria

It was past 6am when we left Cavite City we got to Aquaria around 9am, as some of the roads were being repaired and we got kinda lost.

This is how far it is from Cavite
I know this was suppose to be review... but I think it is best for me to put the photos to speak for themselves (these are non pro pics ok)

This is what you need to look for

You have to keep a look out for this sign. Yes I know does not say Aquaria, but this is you landmark. At the guard house they will check how many are your entering the location. I think they will let the front desk know that there are people coming in

Then you will see this
While my Titas talk to the front Desk, we sat at the waiting area. There are a number of chairs and Benches the place is pretty spacious... It give me the feeling that this was for people that has a lot more than others

I like taking photos of tickets or Entrance bracelets
 Now that we have the proof that we are paid... Let's check out the pools and amenities. The first thing you will see the the Kiddie pool
Kiddie Pool
 Then you will see this, at the top is the slide.
Water falls and the stairs up to the slide

This is the other side of the water falls

Beach front entrance

So as you can see, this place allows you to enjoy swimming pools and the beach
Beach Front

More Beach Front
We stayed in the beach front as this was the only place where we are allowed to cook using a portable stove. There are cottage within the pool area. The pool where you can really swim seems to be just for the people that is staying in cottages
View from the top where the slide was

excuse my derp face

Verdict: It was boring for me. With just one slide and not enough pools to actually swim in. That pool where in you can play games like diving for a coin or doing laps are enclosed to the people that has cabanas or cottages near the pool area. I feel that this place is only good for shoots or if you have more to spend ^_^ sorry I'm a poor kid

Things to remember
Proper Swim Wear
Pack up before 5pm as the sea winds are strong by 5pm and sand gushing against your skin hurts

Rates plus more info

General Admission
inclusion: pool usage, beach and shower

Adult - PHP 500
Child (4ft tall) - PHP 250

Towel (for sale) - PHP 650

Facilities rental
Cave Pool Cabana (10-12 pax) - PHP 1000
Resort Pool Cabana (12-15 pax) - PHP 1500
Beach Front (8 pax) 1200

Extra Table 200

Contact Info

What you been to Aquaria, was it enjoyable or did you feel the same as I did?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Marshal Duties: Animax Carnival 2015

It has been two years since I have joined an event as a volunteer. It was a blast even if we had to stay at the entrance. It was nice to see that the venue was not crowed with cosplayers that do not really go in to the event proper. I have heard that if you are going to cosplay, you need to have a ticket for the event to be able to enter the mall or convention center where the event is being held.

On to the Marshal duties, as always we are the guardians of the gate, the front liners. We take your ticket take the half, stamp you and give you freebies. We are the ones that will greet you at the re entry door making sure that you are one of the people that we have greeted and stamped. ^_^

It was a great event in Hall 4, for 200 Php you can join the activities, check out the booths from sponsors and exhibitors. If you were there and you have tried the game and visited the booths, I’m sure that you got your 200 Php with the prizes that you got.

I think the other marshals are pretty much wondering why we still have the energy even after the event. It’s simple it was fun. It was fun working with the same people again, the same rowdiness and noisy. We had a few down times like with the food and that “Last Minute Media” on the first day but Day two was smooth as ever even if we had 2941 visitors it was I think 300++ more than day one. I was the one handling the clicker, I really wanted to get to 3000 but still 2941 was a good number.

If you were not there what did you miss?

1. Chance to see Alodia sing and dance
2. Glaiza De Castro judging the individual cosplay
3. The cosplay competitions both individual and group
4. Oo-Kun dancing
5. Junior New Systems’ live performance
6. Japanese guess like Gonzo and Triqstar;
7. Miss Nikki Veron Cruz entering this event
8. Lastly, you miss to see us bwhahha Just kidding

Thanks for reading this. Let me know how was your #ACPH experience.

the guardians for day one

MisNikki Veron Cruz
this are some of my souvenir 

Monday, June 1, 2015

Biennial Themed Shoot

Finally after 2 years we are able to have another group photoshoot. The deal before was to have one themed photoshoot every year, nonetheless I’m happy that we can do this once in a while. The first time we did something like this was November 2011, it was the time when Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Was pretty popular one of the founders of our group has growth to love Tsuna. I think I have a blog about that shoot be the site where I posted it is now gone (RIP At that time we were 18 members plus the 3 photographers.

Here are some photos:
By Ev
By Sir JM Chua
By Sir Kiko

By Sir Travis

The next was the Kinomo shoot, done April 2013; I think we gave our photographer, Sir Kiko a headache. One is to 22 people with limited time; I think is enough to do that. We managed and the photos are awesome, I guess that is what you get if you are with a group that works together well.

Some of the photos are use as the profile and cover photo of the group's cosplay group page 

This year theme was Gothic Tea Party. The attendance for this shoot was smaller than the previous shoots nonetheless it was still as blast. Anything dark and elegant with a bit of attitude, this was what the shoot is with lots of sweets. We did not have one of our photographer friends with us, so this is the first time that this is all POS

Let me take this time to that the people behind this group. That you, you have helped me see more and be more open to others, be more comfortable with myself. I know at some point I will be judged for the things I have said and done, some of the member, might or is judging me but that is okay; it is helping me grow. Thank you for letting me be a part of this group. I may get lost but you know you can call on me and me on you. 

Here are the photos from this year-  Click me